Health & Wellness Business Sale Specialists

Capture MAXIMUM VALUE for your life's work

    • Ensure the FUTURE HAPPINESS of employees and customers

    • Increase the probability of getting a deal done QUICKLY

    • Prevent being STRUNG ALONG in a never-ending transaction

    • Work with a team as EQUALLY OBSESSED with health & wellness as we are with accounting, financial analysis, and deal structuring.

    Value: The price of YOUR SHARE of the business

  • Find common ground through mediation to help ALL SIDES feel understood

    Value: The price of YOUR SHARE of the business

  • Have clear, data-driven CONFIDENCE in your valuation paired with multiple buyers to ensure you retain the leverage in the negotiation.

    Value: The DIFFERENCE between the price you would have gotten and the sale price.

  • Our team will work with your financial team to ensure all your financials are in order, so you don’t need to worry about prepping documents.

    Value: $10,000 per month (Analyst Salary)

  • Our team will vet potential buyers to screen out those with a history of trashing company culture post-acquisition.

    Value: Your Legacy

Who We Serve

Lower middle market health and wellness businesses

  • $5,000,000 - $50,000,000

  • $1,000,000 - $10,000,000 /year

  • $5,000,000 - $50,000,000 /year